Quick suggestions

Quick suggestions:

  • Full screen mode while testing project

This would help since people could screen- record mp4 projects or gifs, and screenshot png’s rather than have trouble trying to export them!

  • Things Mentioned Before

A code for right mouse click, and Mouse button 3, as well as scrolling, sending to front and to back code that runs DURING the project (thanks @nick for helping me with this), we should be able to crop images (@ProfoundlyAverage mentioned this) and like what @BaronAWC mentioned before, some easy method to make multiplayer games!

  • Wick Editor Versions

I dont know if this is already possible, but I think we should be able to use past versions of Wick Editor (since new bugs might pop-up like what happened in the new 1.17 update)
https://test.wickeditor.com/ is an “early” version of the future Wick, so shouldn’t be there and older version available as well? Something like https://1.6.wickeditor.com/ - infact it’s just fun to test out the old Wick and see how it changed!

  • Simpler Coding Method?

I could already code, but I couldn’t before I started Wick since I was used to using gameMaker studios at school (now schools are shutdown). If you’ve used gameMaker before, you’d know that there’s an event button, pick the event, like “keyPress” or “collision” and an action like “destroy” or “go to next room” which really made it easier to use. Also, is there a transform object shortcut? If not, I’d recommend it!

  • Group Projects

This might sound complicated, “having group projects,” and it is. Our Wick Editor Forums account should be linked with Wick Editor (which might help in making a future auto- save feature) and we should be able to share projects, receive, edit, making “side comments,” and I just think it’ll be a cool feature to have in Wick Editor, I don’t even know if a website like this even exists!

  • Side Note

Couple days till school ends!

Also, don’t waste time watching the timer - do something worthy of your time other than fortnite

  • Conclusion

Wick is the best

  • Anyone Wanna Vote On the Next Feature?
  • Full screen mode
  • Things Mentioned Before
  • Wick editor versions
  • Simpler Coding Method?
  • Group Projects
  • Neither
  • IDK
  • All would be GREAT
  • Other (please comment if so)

0 voters

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This list is great! I have some feedback for this.

My Personal Order of Importance
  1. Things mentioned before (especially scroll up and down, right-click, and middle click)
  2. WE versions
  3. group projects
  4. simpler coding
  5. fullscreen
My Ideas
  1. like the group projects, I think that the editor should have an account linked to the forum (although the forum is made with Discourse, I suppose you have to link with something like google) and you can save online without downloading files. (keep previous versions in google drive-like folders, don’t override just in case you need to go back versions) as far as actually having group projects, I guess we would have to find a way to share projects. “group projects” sounds like working on the same project at the same time, but I’m assuming that’s not what you mean. it would be annoying and painful and hard to interact with things.
  2. I think using a link like 1.16.wickeditor.com isn’t as good because the dot usually represents a sub-site or something like that. maybe use like a dash so it’s 1-16.wickeditor.com. (keep the most recent as editor.wickeditor.com) BTW, you can actually go back in time to 1.14 going to alpha.wickeditor.com, the old domain. It changed quite a bit through these updates!

Space launch coming in like 2 minutes, so remember that :slight_smile:

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Wow, never knew you could use Wick editor 1.14
(I’ll test 1.14 further more today)
Wick has changed a lot
Your ideas are great, and my order of importance
would be similar to yours! Thanks for the feedback
@BaronAWC !

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