Right clicks and scroll clicks

What Wick Editor Version are you using?

Describe the Problem
no really a problem But I’m unsure if wick can support right-clicks and scroll mouse clicks, or if they can be differentiated from left clicks

What have you tried so far?
tried searching up but I’m a little unsure

Do you have a Wick Editor File that we can see?
My Project4-2-2021_9-07-19.wick (11.4 KB)
clip supposed to play on right click

Having right clicks and scrolling scripts would be awesome #feature-suggestions

Right-clicks are possible
Right Click4-1-2021_22-35-38.wick (11.6 KB)

I tried to add scrolling, it’s not as accurate though
scrolling4-1-2021_22-45-22.wick (3.5 KB)


Oh, you said scroll mouse clicks (as in clicking the scrolling wheel) not scrolling, I misread that

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