Rotatable canvas in editor (and a few other art-like stuff)

Please complete the following questions!

Has this feature been suggested before?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
i want to try some art over the summer (don’t quote me on that), and i think many art softwares allow you to rotate the canvas so that the drawing angle is more realistic.

Describe the solution you’d like
I would be interested if these would be added:

  • rotatable canvas (by, like, using the trackpad, key shortcuts, and/or a number you can change). i think this isn’t super far-fetched because you can rotate the canvas using a rotated v-cam, but it always resets back to 0º rotation.
  • see exact zoom and rotation as a number. this should be easy, i think.
  • reflect canvas. not sure how this will turn out since you can’t do this on a v-cam.

Describe alternatives you’ve considered
i haven’t tried any alternatives since i haven’t really made any art yet.

Image/Video Explanation Optional
should be self-explanatory.

Additional context
i’m not very willing to download any softwares, even if they are free, just because it takes extra storage, even if i have plenty. i don’t even have the desktop wick. the only apps i’ve downloaded are chrome, firefox, minecraft, pen tablet things, and (which i’ll probably delete soon). if i change my mind on the app-downloading thing and my parents are also okay with it, maybe i’ll download krita or whatever it’s called. but for now, wick is probably the best I have.

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