It would be nice to be able to save a layer… a layer that is full of great content…To be used in another project.
Save the layer to the assets library?
Save layers someplace to be used in future projects ?
You can save clips by selecting them and pressing CTRL+E though I’m not sure about layers
I am talking about saving a whole layer, all content.
To be used in another project.
What are you talking about ?
By the way…I tried control E and …what is supposd to happen then ?
try selecting all the parts of a layer make it a clip then you can copy and paste it into another project
You can, instead, select a layer, then click ctrl+c, then open another project and click ctrl+v to paste it there.
(That would be faster than making everything in a layer a clip since layers have multiple frames)
Thanks very much.
Thanks That works nicely…
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