Set Origin/Pivot

It seems we cannot set the origin so that we can rotate around a pivot in the editor. If I set origin of a clip to 0,0 for example I expect it to be relative to the position. but the position seems to rather be relative to the origin. So if I have a 100x100 box and set the origin to 0,0 then it will change the position to -50, -50

It should maintain it’s position but put the origin at the top left of the clip and rotation should go around that pivot/origin.

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Also please add grid snapping. So that we can modify the grid and snap assets, movieclips, buttons, and shapes and all that to it

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If you double click on the movie clip…you can move the shape (instead of moving the pivot/origin cross hair) then when you go back to the timeline, it will rotate at where ever the cross hair is (say 0,0). By default it is always in the center.

That is truly a solution, but not as intuitive as it should be as with a movable pivot point like in Flash.
Good suggestion tho, it will do the job! :)

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Oh that’s great! Thanks for the info.

Did’n’ wanted to make a new topic, so I’m posting it here since is connected with the origin points…
I am trying to make an animation with a blob where the blow have to squash several times at its location. But without being able to move the origin point to the bottom, the blob always squashes towards its center. I tried all the short keys I can think of but nothing helped. Every time i squash it, i have to readjust its position and not always I manage to make it right + it takes hell of a lot of time. It’s frustrating :(


I totally agree, I was trying to make an object rotate and move, but the origin was just frustrating me out :face_with_head_bandage: There should be a way to treat the origin like an object that were actually able to move around and give a code to!

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I think this is what you want. Tell me if it isn’t, because this is what I see your question as.


Yes, that’s what I wanted to do actually, but imagine there is a movable point in the center of the object that can be set to the bottom of the object and just using the manipulation tool, to be squashed like so. Isn’t it gonna be way easier and intuitive, especially for a beginner user? Adding code and editing the symbol makes it way more complicated than it should be, especially for no code users like me. I’m here for the animation aspect of Wick.
Thanks for the video reference. It was helpful!

Another thing that bothered me for a while is the inability to see the other layers as dimmed background, as in Animate, just to make it easier to know where the ground, for example, is, so you can bounce the ball right at it. And not spending time on copy/paste the object position coordinates every single time. That is a big disadvantage and I believe every animator will claim the same.
I’m looking forward for seeing those things fixed up in the future for a better and easier Wick! :)

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