Shadowboxing battles

so, how does it look?

also thisaint working, so uhhhhhh can u do that pls

Nah, not free enough to join the collab, but I always try to check on the forums at least once daily (for the past, like, 3 years or so), so if you guys ever run through an issue with your code or need help with anything code-related, just tag me and I can help with that.

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you put it in update

10 words

OHHHHHH alright


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ok uh how do i make a take turn system

Sorry this took a while. I was kinda busy with school stuff.

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how did you make that?

bru my other computer practicly broke so now im out here with outdated file again


god i hate setbacks

what did u make this with

I used ibs paint x

ohhhhhh makes sense

shadowboxing game10-9-2023_9-59-00.wick (2.6 MB)

@Hamzah_Al_Ani do you know how to make a turn system, like, a when player 1 goes up and player 2’s head goes left, its player 2’s turn

all i know in js is var = (variable name)

shadowboxing game10-9-2023_13-08-34.wick (2.6 MB)