Here is a simple analog clock.
Remember it shows your pc time (so it is not guaranteed it’s correct)
simpleClock.wick (3.4 KB)
Here is a simple analog clock.
Remember it shows your pc time (so it is not guaranteed it’s correct)
simpleClock.wick (3.4 KB)
can you do a digital one for me to use?
Yes I can do it but I guess you can understand how to do it by watching the code I posted.
I imagine you can do a digital one writing Hours and Minutes in a textField or you can create your graphic Clip and tell to go to the correct frame based on the time.
You may give it a try and I’ll help for any issue.
I uh…
i can’t really code a whole lot so i wouldn’t know how.
is there a way to make it a 12hr clock and not a 24hr?
spits this out on the update thing
this is a reply for your question: It is possible to make is 12 h not 24h
if (h>12){
var h=d.getHours();
in setDigital function
I also did a clock!
Depending on the hour it changes the background.
I didn’t know where to post it so i’ll post it here because this post is about digital clocks anyway.
It’s 1:44 PM EST where i am now
ps how can i also get the date?
I double checked and i receive no errors
this one show you time in 12h (but you can change it)
for date you have to wait. time to go out for me.
analogAndDigital02.wick (212.6 KB)
How can i provide a way to switch from 24hr to 12hr? and vice versa?
in this last version you have date and time
it’s a revisited version. just copy and paste the clip in another project and all should work (you may loose the font of the textfield tough)
if you press the green dot you switch from 12h to 24h. just edit the button according to your tastes.
digitalClock03.wick (211.3 KB)
Managed to hack something together that works nvm
Nice steven !