Stick animation talent show (OPEN)

after furthur concideration thunder and rods are the top 2 animations with thunder in 1st place and rods in second good job guys and congrats on the dub

thunder would you like the profetional animation file?

awww gg, whats does second place get

depends what do you want

here pumped up kicks on chrome music lab XDDD ive been working on this project for a while


Yes pls, thanks for the win. :slight_smile:

Hey @Logan_Jordan I like your music, it’s really GOOD. Can I use it in my game Adventure cube I’m making in unity pls. (It’s okay if u say no, but if u say yes Can you make more cause I really need music for my game & I’m bad at making music) (Here’s an attempt to make music)

sure yea pls do

i will get you the animation soon it is not yet done

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btw i requested access to the file

thats my personal

that was just me messing around actually i make pretty advanced music

in sumoaudio and sumotunes

i made this

Is this still open?

na cuh
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