Tetris Dev Jam

i meant performance with/without the pngs.

(i decided to use the old blockskin, i think the new one was too much for the eye. i also shrunk the board height by a bit.)

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Yes, that makes sense… Luca explained me this once… the vector has to take care of all the lines and squares within. If you have like 4 to 6 small drawings compounding a single block “tile”, multiply that amount by the number of blocks in your screen… the engine manages a png as a single rectangle, so it is very light in comparison…

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I made one I cant get it to switch what block is being used tho My Project10-25-2021_11-44-58.html

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3 more days : ) Happy dev!

my progress
tetris.wick (161.5 KB)


primary secondary action
left arrow A move left
right arrow D move right
up arrow W rotate cw
down arrow S soft drop
space hard drop
Z rotate ccw
C hold

bugs i need to fix or things i need to add:

  • I piece wallkicking is buggy for some reason
  • didn’t make pieces spawn in center yet
  • didn’t add lose condition yet
  • didn’t add score/level yet

Good progress, you are almost there.

I was trying to make the blocks move down and I cant get it to work I might just leave it like it is

At least you are trying which is always good.

i think there’s a bug in your SRS, because you can’t do t-spin triple kicks…


SRS? t-spin?, I don’t even know what are those… : /
My version doesn’t do all those nice things.

poorly drawn demonstrations of how SRS works.

if a piece fails to rotate because it collides with the stack or a wall, it will try some other rotations to see if it succeeds. here are just 2 examples.

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So nice… I haven’t implemented anything like that. You guys are in other level :smiley: My version is nice, but it doesn’t manage all those scenarios… right now if rotation fails, it doesn’t rotate… but your illustration is good. I can try to implement it like that…

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Can I participate or is it to late to do so?

Yes, of course, but you have a lot less time than the other participants… (the last date to submit your wick project will be this Friday for everyone)

Please read the entire post:

Ok, thanks for the info

This is what I have so far bit buggy :slightly_smiling_face:

Left and Right arrow to rotate
I forgot to make move right and left

Tetris Project

I kinda rush tho
Just to make this prototype

At least is something (your progress is good considering that you have spent a few hours on the making… )… Do you think that you will be able to deliver a functional game? (making a functional tetris game would required more effort… It is not that easy)

I believe I can I already fix the bugs that the prototype was showing

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I fix a lot more things but for some reason I can’t make the tetrominos stack on top of each other/collision

Current Progress

Left and right arrow to rotate
Down arrow to make the tetrominos go down faster
A to move left
D to move right

Meanwhile I will just be rewriting all the code :slightly_smiling_face: