Tetris Dev Jam

One more day… happy Tetris WE development

I’ll be posting my version tonight : )


Can I make my own music or no?

Yes, why not… but it is easier to get music from a free to use site, so you could focus more in your game’s gameplay rather than the music. Music is a plus, but it is not the meat of this Game Jam.

Ummm, I don’t think I will have enough time to finish my tetris game, I don’t think I will compete.
I found to many issue with the tetris game.

I haven’t checked this forum in a while so sorry for the late response

Turns out that, basically, I accidentally made it so when the player rotates left, it changes the variable which keeps track of the orientation of the piece incorrectly, making it think it rotated right. This messes up the SRS. But it works now. I also fixed the I-piece wall kicking.

I’ll post the update after I finish everything I wrote in the to-do list.

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I don’t blame you… programming a Tetris game is not a task for just a few hours. That is why I announced it about 2 weeks ago, so people can have time to develop it. At least you tried, and that is good!

Great! :partying_face:

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Guys funny story
So my file is corrupted I guess because I tried to add music
And the autosave is also corrupted
So i just basically lost all the progress I made today

dang! I hate when that happens… but do you know why…? I mean… I have never had an issue adding sound… (Are you working on 1.19.4? It has a better autosave)

It’s because the sound file itself is corrupted, apparently. It doesn’t play in my media player. Last time I checked (several months ago) that sound file worked perfectly fine.

That’s the problem. It autosaved the corrupted version after I added the sound file.

Maybe I can try to fix this file by directly modifying it I dunno. I hope it works.

Oh, ok that makes sense.

Ok actually I accidentally overwrote the sound file with my wick editor file from like a minute before. That’s why it didn’t work. So fortunately I didn’t actually lose any progress.


@pumpkinhead is back to the game :smiley:

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Here is my version…
Tetris_Jovannys_WE_Version (2.3 MB)

Screen Shot 2021-10-28 at 9.15.45 PM

I think is good as a whole even though it doesn’t do the nice rotation scenarios…

[Left Arrow. ] Move Left
[Right Arrow ] Move Right
[Down Arrow] Move Down
[Up Arrow. ] Instant Commit
[ a] Rotates counter clockwise
[ s] Rotates clockwise
[Spacebar] PAUSE

Hope people like it! (Please leave constructive comments)

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wow, this game is beautiful…

I guess my main complaint is that the game goes to slow. the line clear delay is very long.

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Hey, thank you for the feedback… BTW 10 Tetris(es) well played!

I like that (I’m not the greatest Tetris gamer, so I need time to think)

You can easily change this value at line 379, from 15 to maybe 3. You will notice the difference… probably I’ll choose a value in between when I deploy the game in NG or itch.io.

Screen Shot 2021-10-28 at 9.30.46 PM

I changed it to 3 at my end, as per the picture, and I really like that fast paste as well.

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Ok I think mines doesn’t have any bugs
It doesn’t have a title screen or anything though
I kinda procrastinated on it

tetris.wick (1.9 MB)

primary secondary action
left arrow A move left
right arrow D move right
up arrow W rotate cw
down arrow S soft drop
space hard drop
Z control rotate ccw
C hold

I like your line destroy animation :star_struck:

You still have an entire day if you want to refine it more… as a feedback, The level one speed/gravity is too fast for me… :neutral_face:

Funny thing… I’m so used to my controls that is taking me a lot of time to get used to others. I lost immediately. :confounded:

Also your tetris music reminds me the first time that I played Tetris, I believe back to 1988 at the first gameboy… (I loved it)



Your guys are very good at coding and animating than me.
I feel very inspired :slightly_smiling_face:


Oh right I forgot to slow it down. Thanks for reminding me.

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That’s the idea my friend. Keep building the community, learning from others, and having fun!

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