Tweens keep getting messed up :-(


I notice Tweens keep getting messed up… :frowning:
I use motion-tweens and transparency tweens to create an animation, but I notice tweens tend to get lost when working with them. I would create a tween:
A -> B -> C
With A, B and C being different positions of one (!) element, but sometimes the positions get mixed up - when I am not even working on those frames/elments. I am working on another part of the animation, wind back to check the total result and the tweens are scrambled… frustration happens!

I try to save very often now, to be able to go back, but this makes working with Wick a chore. Can someone advise/check on this?




I noticed the same thing, and tried to avoid using tweening. It was a Wick 1.17 update problem that @PineappleCow mentioned before. Hopefully it’ll be fixed in the next update :man_mechanic:

It should be no worries, it should get fixed in a short period of time since tweening is important. I’ll also try to see what makes this bug happen in the meantime, and I’ll get back to you if I’ll find anything.

I did experiment with it, and my result could possibly show that having a shape in the way of the moving tween, or added near it makes it funky! It’s hard to explain the results, so you could see the experiment in this short 2 minutes video . . .


Hi @Hamzah_Alani,

wow, that is a very interesting/strange result.
It is not exactly what I experience, but I really like that it is getting attention from your team/you people!

I will keep a lookout for the new version - if you need a tester, you know where you can find me :slight_smile:


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Tweening is strange, that is agreeable. Hopefully the next version would be better, I’ll keep trying to improve my data about tweening, hoping that it might help fix the problem itself.

I’d like to also point out that I don’t have a team (if that was what u meant)

Have a good day,

~Hanzoh Alani

Ah, no offence meant - I just wanted to include everybody working on Wick :-)

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No big deal really, but back to the tween problem, :face_with_monocle:
after testing new things out, rather than finding “why
it’s happening, I found a solution :nerd_face:. I tried making every
tween in its very own “layer” with definitely no other
objects or tweens in the same layer with it :left_right_arrow:. It worked
great for me :exploding_head:, and recommend having you test it out. If
you do, it’ll be great to know the results since your problem
wasn’t exactly as the tween problems I found.

Hanzoh Alani

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Thanks @Hamzah_Alani
I have seen this odd behaviour so its good to know a workaround.

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Hi @Hamzah_Alani,

Yeah, I tried this too - it seems to work!
It is, of course, not optimal, but at least I can tween to my :heart:'s content now :slight_smile:
It does make a bit of a mess with a gazillion layers, but it is a workable workaround! Thanks for the tip.



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I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to work like that, as in you can only have one tween per layer.

Hi @PineappleCow

yeah, but what I mean is subsequent tweens. You can have / should be able to have as many of those as you want. And it works - up to a point :slight_smile:

