Vcam size isn't the same in html

This Vcam is perfectly sized to take over the screen in the editor.

This is the same project but as an html file:

The project shows the Vcam’s width, height, allows you to set YOUR specific project’s width/ height in the text box, and allows you to change the Vcams width, height, x, and y position. Here’s the specific size for the same project but with a perfect Vcam size:

This is the same perfect html vcam size, but in the editor:

I understand that the Vcam is still in beta, hopefully it might be fixed soon. Thank you, wick team, for making wick what it is today : )

Feel free to use this project to find the perfect vcam size, here it is:
set vcam size.html (2.0 MB)

Thanks for the note Hamzah, definitely need to do some more checks for this.

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