Whats your best animation/game

It is really impressive. Thank you for sharing.

Currently, its my driving game. My best animation is still being worked on as of right now.

wow this looks like from a puzzle flash game

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Haha thanks. It also tooked me a long time to do about 1-3 hours for one background

Mine was just an animation regarding the outcoming of Spiderman no way home but i think it came out really good

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I feel like I’ve seen this project elsewhere…? This specific animation? At least the first scene.
Odd. Someone else?
Edit: found it, Even more Spoder-Man
Took me a crazy amount of time, because it says “spoder-man” instead of “spider-man” so I had to sift through my liked posts till something fit.

Yes, I believe it was created by @Leslye_Beauchamp
(they might be the same person or might’ve uploaded the wrong file?)


Mine is an animation episode known as Moon…the best one so far, I believe…


This person has had a past of reuploading stuff they didn’t create. like the one browser Minecraft thing.

my best animation is


could I use the pictures for a game

maze waze5-13-2023_16-04-50 (1).html (2.6 MB)

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You’ll be sent to the Gulag for that bud

i just cheated in it by pressing right click

it is possible to finish

Sure! :+1: ( Sorry for the late response )

If you want we can team up! I always wanted to create a Puzzle game. + My Skills did improve a bit
( Would be my last thing though (Check my Bio ))

thanks :smiley:

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I wouldn’t call myself the best codeder I just know the simple things like go to and stop.

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THE IDIOT TEST 25-11-2023_13-35-58 (1).html (3.6 MB) idiot test 2 I made the first one on upload your games here frourn