Whats your best animation/game

Haha thanks. It also tooked me a long time to do about 1-3 hours for one background

Mine was just an animation regarding the outcoming of Spiderman no way home but i think it came out really good

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I feel like I’ve seen this project elsewhere…? This specific animation? At least the first scene.
Odd. Someone else?
Edit: found it, Even more Spoder-Man
Took me a crazy amount of time, because it says “spoder-man” instead of “spider-man” so I had to sift through my liked posts till something fit.

Yes, I believe it was created by @Leslye_Beauchamp
(they might be the same person or might’ve uploaded the wrong file?)


Mine is an animation episode known as Moon…the best one so far, I believe…


This person has had a past of reuploading stuff they didn’t create. like the one browser Minecraft thing.

my best animation is


could I use the pictures for a game

maze waze5-13-2023_16-04-50 (1).html (2.6 MB)

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You’ll be sent to the Gulag for that bud

i just cheated in it by pressing right click

it is possible to finish

Sure! :+1: ( Sorry for the late response )

If you want we can team up! I always wanted to create a Puzzle game. + My Skills did improve a bit
( Would be my last thing though (Check my Bio ))

thanks :smiley:

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I wouldn’t call myself the best codeder I just know the simple things like go to and stop.

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THE IDIOT TEST 25-11-2023_13-35-58 (1).html (3.6 MB) idiot test 2 I made the first one on upload your games here frourn

I made this a few years back as a cute short. https://romulex.itch.io/friend-game

cool! I like it!!

and btw welcome to the wick forums!