Wick Editor - Status Update (sorta)

Wick in its current state is, and has been, dormant, as I am sure everyone knows by now. But roughly a week ago, we three moderators (me, Jovanny, and Hamzah_Al_Ani) had a quick meeting talking about what we can do with Wick moving forward.

We haven’t started taking any action since then, all we did was bounce a couple of ideas off each other. No promises on anything, but we are hoping to get Wick Editor back on its feet at some point. (I’m being intentionally vague because even I don’t really know how this will go yet. We’re all just hoping basically.)

That’s all for now, thanks everyone for sticking around.


we can only cope™

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im excited

I obviously don’t know the plan, and I don’t know how much you can do with Wick it self, But maybe you could restructure the forums a bit to be more open for non wick content. That way developers and animators from other places could meet up in this amazing community, or return to show off there new work since they left