Working together

projw2.wick (57.6 KB) new skin

i didnt think my code would be used for anything so thank you for using it


and @Crafter_Flance can you add credits

why wont you do it? i’m just taking a break rn

by the way @myuzernamesthis6, I am gonna make a weapon for the player

oh sure
:wave: :right_anger_bubble: :right_anger_bubble:

projw2.wick (61.1 KB)

Hi @Crafter_Flance, I can see that you added a weapon in the enemies timeline, so I adjusted some things:
My Project11-12-2020_8-00-42PM.wick (61.0 KB)

What’s new & Notes:

:white_check_mark: Player faces the direction that he or she’s moving towards

:white_check_mark: Enemy faces the direction he or she’s moving towards

:white_check_mark: Enemies attacking timeline plays when touching player

:x: Frames 2 to 11 don’t fit with frame 12

:x: We’ll need to create a menu

:x: We might need to add more skins, & levels

:x: We need to create more interactive things

:heavy_minus_sign: Let’s add more creativity to this masterpiece

I’m going to just make some new updates.

projw2.wick (74.3 KB)
sorry for the late response, but i added a point character
just wait, needa go afk

back from doing something

Oh cool, I can see that you’ve added some type of gun :gun:

I don’t know why @myuzernamesthis6 is talking today and idk what to add now…

myuzernamesthis6 might just be busy with homework or something

I kinda just programmed something that did all of my geometry homework lol

Oof and I got 0 homework.

I just updated your project:
My Project11-13-2020_8-23-15PM.wick (82.3 KB)

What’s new:

:white_check_mark: The second stickman has a weapon
:white_check_mark: The second stickman causes damage
:white_check_mark: The second stickman acts like the original stickman

Ok ima test it.

projw2.wick (82.6 KB)
Ok so I added some stuff


A trampoline


Menu, customizable settings, skin changer, and platform blocks

@myuzernamesthis6, I don’t know what to add now. Respond when you can!

Hello. I am kinda new to wick forums, but can I join?