Wick Editor Overhaul Design Proposal (Revised)

This post has been revised.

Since the next version of Wick will be a code overhaul, I figured this would be a great time to share the design concepts I’ve been working on.

This is a loooong post. Many of these ideas are features I wish Flash or Unity had! Some may be a bit wonky since I’m relatively new to JavaScript compared to, say, animation or Unity’s C#, but I think the concepts behind them are solid.

:warning: Please note: I am NOT expecting or demanding that these changes be made exactly as I say. This is meant as a work-in-progress resource of ideas that Wick developers and contributors can pull from if they want. Not all of these ideas will be practical and they’re definitely open to being revised or not used. Enjoy!


Here are some semantic changes I propose:

  • Clips are now Sprites.
    • Buttons are Button Sprites.
    • The term “Clips” is a holdover from Flash, but as Movie Clips became more powerful, the name became a bit of a misnomer. They’re not just static animation clips, after all.
  • A keyframe can span over multiple frames and contain Tweens that have multiple points.
    • Consistent definitions would help new users understand the difference between frames, keyframes, and tweens. No more mix-ups such as “This frame is 10 frames long.”


I think Wick should integrate programming within the GUI itself (see below for details!) and some of these suggestions help facilitate that. Others are ease of use features.


Any variable declared like this:
var bool = true;
acts like a protected variable. It can only be accessed by a certain Sprite and its children.

Any variable declared like this:
public var bool = true;
acts like a public variable. It is also made visible in Wick’s GUI. It can be accessed anywhere like this:
To hide it from Wick’s GUI but still leave it accessible for other objects, declare it like this:
public hidden var bool = true;

(New 8/1/18)
This also applies on the root timeline. It’s just a big Sprite that contains a bunch of other objects. They can also be moved around and scaled like any other clip, which will be helpful if V-cam features are implemented.
This also means they can be loaded additively (compare attachMovie() in Flash), meaning you can load its contents while also keeping the contents of the current scene.

(This idea was also inspired by the design of Godot Engine. Although I’ve only used it a little, I like the design of its scene/node system. [info 1, 2, 3])


function update() {
    on (condition == true) {
        /*This code will only run on the first frame the condition is true.
        After that, the code will not run until the condition becomes false
        and then becomes true again.*/
  • onPropertyChanged function. Can be used to detect when any variable is altered. All variables have this. (Would this cause performance issues?)
public var likesWaffles = true;
likesWaffles.onPropertyChanged = function() {
   textBox.text = likesWaffles ? "Oh, you like waffles now!" : "What? You don't like 'em anymore?";
  • Event handlers are more modular. The following functions return either true or false:
    • mouseIsDown(Sprite)
    • mouseIsOver(Sprite)
    • isTapping(Sprite)
    • keyDown(key)
  • They can be combined with the on statement.
function update () {
    if(mouseIsDown()) {
        //this code will run every frame the mouse is down at all
    on(mouseIsOver(mySprite)) {
        //this code will run the moment the mouse hovers over mySprite
    on(mouseIsOver()) {
        //this code will run the moment the mouse hovers over the stage
        //same as mouseIsOver(root)
    on(!mouseIsOver()) {
        //this code will run the moment the mouse leaves the stage
        //same as mouseIsOver(root)
    on(isTapping(mySprite) || mouseIsDown(mySprite)) {
        //this code will run the moment mySprite is either clicked or tapped
    public var input.isJumping = (keyDown("space") || keyDown("enter") || isTapping());
  • Edit: It might make more sense to have these in the form mySprite.mouseOver rather than mouseOver(mySprite).

  • Every Sprite has a playRange string that indicates which of their frames they will automatically play in sequence. It’s like Flash’s Loop/Play Once feature, except more powerful.

sprite1.playRange = ""; //play all. Same as playRange = undefined;
sprite1.playRange = "1-4, 5-10";
sprite1.playRange = "1, 2, 3, 1, 2";
sprite1.playRange = "frameName, 7, otherFrameName";
  • Suggestions for other Sprite playback code:
Sprite.playbackSpeed      //e.g. -1, 1, 0.04
Sprite.loop               //true or false

Tweens in Code (NEW 8/1/18)


  • The classic function. Can be applied to numbers, colors, etc.

But you can also do this, inspired by Unity’s popular extension DOTween:

on (this.mouseOver) {
    this.myColor = Tween(this.myColor, "#FFFFFF", 0.5);

function Tween (start, destination, time)
This function actually starts a coroutine, which keeps running for [time] seconds.

function update() {
    score = Tween(50, 500, 1);

In this situation, the tween will loop infinitely, executing to completion each time. That means “score” will cycle up from 50 to 500 each second, each time going back to 50 and starting again.


Visual programming environments like Construct 2 and GDevelop include “behaviors”, or scripts that add common game functions. Examples include platforming physics, solid object (collision detection), bound object to stage / wrap around stage, etc. These allow users to get started on code quickly. Since each Behavior has its own API, users can control its features, toggle them on and off, etc.
Below is a screenshot of actions that can be assigned to Construct 2’s Platform behavior.


The GUI reads and responds to the code you assign to Sprites.

  • Easily keep track of each sprite’s variables and functions
  • Quickly link interactive components together
  • Assign variable properties to objects (swatches that automatically update throughout a Sprite, etc.)


The Inspector now lists the selected Sprite’s public variables. Its lower pane previews all the keyframes in the Sprite.

Click a thumbnail to change the frame shown on the Stage. The current keyframe will be split at the playhead (like Keyframe Caddy does). Double-click a thumbnail to edit the keyframe.

You can also select multiple keyframes for the Sprite to play sequentially (see below).

Redundant frames are not shown. Example: In this Sprite, Frame 2’s keyframe lasts until Frame 5, so Frames 3 and 4 are redundant.

  1. Label. Changes depending on type of object selected. When nothing is selected, it says “Inspector”.
  2. Menu/grip. Drag to re-order items. Click to open a context menu where you can Edit Code. Double-click the variable’s name to re-name it, which changes its name everywhere in the code.
  3. Search box. It does more than search, so the tooltip explains it when you hover over the icon or box: Type a frame number, name, or a range of frames (for example, “1-5, 6, 10”).
  4. View options dropdown:
    • Toggle preview (Loops the selected frames on the stage.)
    • Toggle thumbnails (When off, thumbnails are replaced with a generic keyframe icon. Users might want this for performance reasons.)
    • Show keyframe names (When off, will only show numbers. For some projects, frame numbers might be very important.)
  5. Thumbnail size slider
  6. Loop or play once (Default: loop)
  7. Speed drop-down (Default: 1x, forward)
    • Choose a playback speed: 0.25x, 0.5x, 1x, 2x, 4x, or type your own.
      • On faster speeds, some frames will be skipped in order to maintain the project frame-rate.
    • Toggle reverse playback
  8. Sync to parent timeline (Default: on) If on, behaves like Flash Graphic; if off, behaves like Flash Movie Clip.
  9. Frame contains code. Click to show preview of code. Double-click to edit code.



Selecting Multiple Frames to Play Sequentially

There are three ways to do this…

  • Control-click keyframes to select specific ones
  • Shift-click keyframes to select a range of them
  • Type a range containing a comma or hypen into the search bar (e.g. “1, 4-5, 8”)


Comments in Inspector


Potential Use Cases for the Proposed Features

  • Keeping track of code
  • Assigning states, animations, or facial expressions
  • Lip-sync
  • Inspector functionality could be reused to make a simple debugger
  • Editor extensions (user code executed in the editor itself).
    • Editing certain properties could change objects’ state in the editor. You could use this to animate visual effects, characters turning between angles, etc. For example, changing mouthObject.emotion to happy could switch mouthObject to its “happy” keyframe.
#region Editor
function update() {
    mouthObject.emotion.onValueChange = function () {
        mouthObject.playRange = mouthObject.emotion; //only play keyframe labeled "happy"
  • Unity’s [ExecuteInEditMode] and Editor API is an example (albeit complex).
  • Standard Inspector properties and custom properties could share the same code under the hood. That means users can use the same tools that Wick’s builtin objects use to make their inspectors look different.

Suggest more uses if you have any ideas.

Color Picker


  1. A normal color swatch. The user has chosen a color and pressed the + button add it to the list.
    Right-click menu: Edit or Delete swatch.
  2. A color swatch that has a variable assigned to it instead of a hex.
  3. This area becomes scrollable if you have a lot of colors.
  4. Menu. Clear swatches, reset to default, or import/export color sets to disk.
  5. Left: last color selected. Right: currently selected color.
  6. Var button. Opens a pop-up to type in a Javascript expression to assign to the color, such as object1.baseColor. Has auto-complete.
  7. Toggle between RGB and HSL.

(@BreakTheIcing suggested the color picker be more simple and include color sliders. Thanks!)

Color Picker Operations


Potential Use Cases for the Proposed Features

  • Easily set up a consistent, well-chosen palette in your artwork
  • Palette swaps in games
  • Alternate palettes for day/night scenes
  • Drawing/painting games and applications

Suggest more uses if you have any ideas.

Asset Management


Other GUI Features

  • All GUI elements are responsive, touch-friendly, and scale well to larger sizes.
  • You can type --var(myObject.myVariable) directly into Text objects to have that string be automatically be replaced with any public variable at runtime. (And there’s auto-complete!) You can very quickly do Mad-Libs style substitution without writing a line of code.
    • Under the hood, Wick runs something like this:
myObject.myVariable.onPropertyChange = function() {
    textObject.text = "Whatever text was also in there"+myObject.myVariable+"other text";
  • Say the current keyframe has a tween, and the user adds an object with the pen tool. Instead of creating a new layer and adding the pen drawing to that layer, Wick automatically takes the user inside the “Tweened Objects” group and adds the drawing to that.
  • Speaking of Groups, do we still need Groups? Maybe Ctrl-G could be “Make Sprite from Objects” instead. By default, there is no animation or code, so it acts like a Group from any other software. It also doesn’t show in the library unless you manually add it or tell Wick to add every Sprite there.
    • If nothing is selected, Ctrl-G should create a new empty Sprite and go inside it to edit in place, like Flash does. I love that little secret Flash feature!

That’s All, Folks!

I hope everyone enjoyed these suggestions. I went waaaay in-depth on the details on these :stuck_out_tongue: I’m just really excited about Wick’s potential to be an amazing animation and programming tool.
Please comment with your thoughts on these. I’m very eager to hear any and all feedback!
I’ll implement your suggestions into the main post and credit your username.

For more info, check out these topics:

  • I agree with all or most of these ideas.
  • I agree with some of these ideas.
  • I generally don’t agree with these ideas.

0 voters

  • I think some of these ideas would be confusing or overly complicated to use.
  • I think some of these ideas are presented in a confusing way. Can you explain, please?
  • I think these ideas seem generally simple and intuitive to use.

0 voters


I do agree with most non-code related suggestions you said, @kryptot7!

I'm neutral on coding

Though I have tried to learn coding in the past, and do plan to try again in the future–as of current, it is not my strong point (or any point :joy:), and if I do “code” I use scratch. So I have really no comment on coding improvements, though they do sound very helpful.

I absolutely love everything you’ve done with the inspector! I have found it disappointing when I’d plan to edit something, but the object’s inspector was lacking. It’s so much more intuitive in your version and covers all the bases, it looks like!

I also whole-heartedly agree with the groups removal. It does make tween animation more difficult. When you try to tween a specific part of a group, you are taken within that group alone, and must make the edit out of context of the rest of the scene. Even outside of tweening this seems to be a nuisance.

I agree with a lot of other points too, I just really love these 2 in specific!

As far as the color picker goes, I feel the properties sections are a bit on the complicated side. I like the favorites section, dragging, hex, name, and everything else about it though. I also think it could stand to show or incorporate rgb values &/or sliders.

Thanks so much for including some topics of mine! :star_struck: :blush:

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Thanks for the feedback! :smile: I’m glad you like the suggestions.
I have an idea for making the color picker less complicated. Instead of seeing a list of properties found in the code, you just type the variable’s name (like object.varName) into the hex field to accomplish the same behavior. Pin it to the favorites list, and the color cube will have a yellow outline around it to tell you it’s dynamic. Much simpler! I’ll simplify the other color picker behaviors and update my sketch at some point.

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That sounds much simpler! :grinning:

@kryptot7, great feedback as always. We’re sure to go through here and discuss each point as we add some changes to Wick. I personally think that some of the semantics and programming changes you’re proposing will spur some really good discussions!

Hopefully we’ll be able to push out more info soon :smiley: VERY exciting things happening in the new version of Wick that we’re waiting to get right before putting out a test build / other information.


Thanks! I’m excited to see what comes next :smile:

I’ve edited the main post and added major revisions to the inspector and color picker sections. Some of the ideas themselves are simpler, and the explanations are much more concise and easier to understand.

I also want to make clear that I’m not expecting all these changes to implemented exactly the way I say; this is meant as a well-thought-out resource of potential features, not a wish list. I don’t know whether the tone of the original post came off as presumptuous or overly demanding at all so I wanted to say something just in case. :slight_smile:

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I like this color picker so much more! It’s much easier to use and straightforward. Plus, though I know hex names are more common, I do like the rgb sliders a lot!

In my opinion, the original post was neither presumptuous nor demanding, but adding the disclaimer was considerate and will probably help clear up confusion if any arises. :smile:


I updated this post a few days ago to add and clarify some ideas. Enjoy!

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