- Brick Player The Wick Editor Video player!
2. What's The Brick Player about?
What’s about? The Brick Player is the Wick editor Video player! In the future, you will be able to import the Player into a project And Let the Movie play! It can be used for HTML Videos they don’t have a Timeline start Stop Funktion etc. But the Brick player will have it! Just Import it and let the videos play! Good for sharing your animations online with HTML! and also the will be a feature to play videos from a link! so online videos are Possible too!
3-4. Submission Infos
3. Subsions Time Frame
Time Frame: The Subsions will start Today! It will close in two weeks 11’th Juli 2021! or Until the team is Full. But we are always open to help! and of course, Helpers will be credited as same as People that an in that collab!
4. any Requirements?
Submission Requirements: what we need are Coders! This Project will be Open for everyone who knows at least the basics of Wick Editor coding!
5. Leaders
Project Leads: @Jordy and @Brickstar_X
6. More Infos about the Player
The Player Is Currently Build on the Brick player version 0.02 but we will Probably delete that and start over! You can check it out Here
7. How we will work
It will be Verry Simple. we all will have Groups every group will work on a Spefik Thing so that no Confusion comes up This will also allow us to Temprealy add People that are Helping us! when every group has Finished The Parts we will Combine this into a Full Version! This Will be done until we have This Kye Features: TimeLine slider; Start/Stop; Start to Finish; Hiding GUI Feature ( I will explain when the Time will Come)
I Hope You are Interested In Bringin My vision for The BrickPlayer to the truth!