Forum Fighters: Rewritten (Discontinued)

@mlgcoolguys_1, Few ideas for you to consider as a FF lead…

Try to define the scope of what you think that can be done during this off school season… so you can keep people focus only on that. Define a list of short tasks based on that scope. Then start posting those as jobs. The scope shouldn’t be too ambitious, because then you will find it impossible to meet and you will always find this as an impossible task to complete… that will cause frustration and lack of motivation. The main idea is to have fun.

Scope Example: “This summer FF should complete an entire vs mode with at least 4 stages / 4 fighters with music and sounds”

Job1 - “I need someone to make an animation of this”
Job2 - “I need someone to help with designing a snow stage”
Job3 - “I need someone to help to select music for this…”
Job4 - “I need someone to help with code on…”

Then, people should apply to that job to be owner/responsible of that job/task.

Also, select only a few little people to work on the main ff .wick file. Everyone else should work in separate files. Only one or two people should maintain/merge changes into the main ff .wick file.

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I’m leaving school next Friday. The last 2 days are half days.

ok… hmmm…
This off school season i want us to get the “skeleton” of the game done, this means…

  • Creating a simple AI for Pon, the first and most simple enemy
    (prioraty:Highest. Date of goal: 4 days after people have been assigned)
  • Me! i will help! (ONE PERSON ONLY)

0 voters

IMPORTANT NOTE: @KringlePrinkles has previously volunteered for this task, but has informed me that he is still learning on the topic, therefore i recommend that either @pumpkinhead OR @awc95014 (depending on who is free-r at the current moment) to assist him, once one of you click on the poll, you declare you are starting on the task with kringles and will complete it in under 4 days on the main file
whoever volunteers to help i expect you to discuss among each other to produce quality work!

  • a minor change to air time and air strafing
    (priority: low. date of goal: ???/6 23.59, hard dateline, AFTER previous task is finished)
  • Me! i will do it! (ONE PERSON MAX)

0 voters

as mentioned a long time ago, i personally think that characters spend WAY too long in the air and some attacks that dont look like they hold the character in the air (such as jumbleton’s magic ball attack) do.
So, this task is really a number of small tasks in one:

  1. have a clear method of implementing attacks that DO hold the character in the air (such an an attack that makes the air look like they are hovering) and a method for attacks that DONT (such as charge attacks that take more then 0.6 second (or somthing))

  2. reduce the base aerial movement of characters
    Ive noticed that characters are as free moving in the air as they are on the ground, this makes it too easy to recover from attacks that would knock them in the air. a simple change i would suggest is making it so that that while airborne, movement is halfed.
    (but one should experiment and not follow my exact my words…)

  3. increase gravity.
    Same reason as before, but i want to make it so that reaching your peak would lower your speed, while falling would increase it. like how normal gravity works.

as of now, these are the 2 i could think off the top of my head, its been i while since ive play tested the game. as for the rest of you not working on any task, feel free to continue creating interesting and unique ideas and drawings, it allows me to expand on the world building going on in my head and, while ill be honest, most wont really get into the game, our ideas and inspire each other. remember, no effort will truly go to waste, each mistake is a building block of our successes.

this project will not be done in this holiday, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give it our all.

so, lets get to it! more tasks will be issued in the near future.

(note, im am not well versed in the westerners’ holidays, so if a time extension is needed, please notify the crew 2 days in advance.)

also, this is the most recent update to the project, use it.

just a heads up, i will not have access to a computer for a while because im at a residential camp. it will take some time before i can do anything.

also, before doing any story mode stuff, lets make sure the game runs smoothly first.

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That’d be hard because Wick Editor still hates large projects. It ticks every frame and all its descendants even if it isn’t loaded. (It’s to make the unload script work but there’s a different way to do that) I don’t know when they’re gonna do an update to change that.

Anyway how does the Pon AI work again?

so, I may be able to do some small things that don’t require a ton of knowledge, I didn’t choose anything because I don’t know if I would be able to do it because of other things.

This is peon


so @pumpkinhead, due to baron’s restrictions, may i task you in assisting kringles in making an ai for Peon?

  • yes :D
  • no :(

0 voters

Okay … It’s been 3 days, may I know the progress of this task @KringlePrinkles @pumpkinhead

If you need a time extension, now’s the time to ask for it.

I just got started on the enemy ai task today (1. Because I procrastinated 2. I skimmed over the announcement thing and the fact that there was a deadline slipped my mind. writing all of this is very embarrassing…). Is a 3 day extension reasonable?

So far I sorta managed to make the dummy enemy move. still have yet to figure out how to make it collide the platforms like how players can.

you can take a look at it but I didn’t add much.

meanwhile, unrelated to the task itself...

GIF 6-21-2022 12-45-37 PM

  • I found out that there was an array for platforms, so I used it so that you just need to assign a platform type to a clip. The update script will just run through every object in the array and just make the platforms work itself.
  • I realized I misspelled one of the variables in my Hurt Bounce function. you now bounce of the walls while hurt.

FFR 1.5.1 - WIP.wick (2.7 MB)

I’m still working on it.


doing this was definitely a good move, but it seems like there’s a side effect. when the audio plays for the first time, there is a delay. it’s less than half a second but it’s, uh, mildly annoying. we might need to make it so that all the audio files preload during the beginning screen (even before the main menu).

also i’m back on my computer :D

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Hey guys, so I just had this thought on my mind that may be an issue in the future. Let’s assume I’m animating a cutscene, which belongs to everybody working on Forum Fighters, but someone NOT working actually uses a program to turn the animation into 60 FPS, and then post it onto Youtube.

Obviously, the animation was created by the everyone working here, but someone who wasn’t working here just puts it on Youtube in 60 FPS to gain millions of views. Should we allow this? I’m okay with what everyone suggests.

Far stretch but if this ever happened we should take it down as its our work. also i personally hate those “make animation smoother with this ai” Videos.

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millions of views is, at least for now, a very big stretch, but we would just take down the video. or we post it ourselves first :]

That is so unlikely that you shouldn’t worry about that.

All audio files are dealt with in the layer titled “audio” (or something like that).
I believe the files are preloaded during the beginning screen, but I can’t check the file rn until I get home so I’m not sure.

I think another way that we can deal with this is have the audio that plays in the intro saved in the editor’s asset library, and keep the other audio files as they are.

This should be simple (just adding the audio in the asset library and removing it from the audio array inside of the audio layer). I can deal with that when i find the time.

Let me know if this is fixed in this file:
FFR 1.5 - Balancing n’ Bugs (being fixed!)6-21-2022_19-34-16.wick (2.8 MB)

I added back the following files to the asset library:

  • btn_QPbegin_click.ogg
  • Rohstedye_intro.ogg

all/most of the menu buttons have a significant delay, but the in-game sounds seem fine. also the sound for hovering over the “begin” button is gone.

No worries Kringle’s, you’re not the only procrastinater here, a 3 day extension is more then reasonable