Forum Fighters: Rewritten (Discontinued)

hey @KringlePrinkles what do you mean by this

I was wondering how we could separate the background art from the platform art visually, because they might blend in together and be harder to distinguish from each other.

I’m worrying about that later once we did most of the important stuff.

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ok I get it now

maybe the platforms have outlines

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I think you can do this by making the background a bit more “blurry” or “darker” so the platforms stand out (?)

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Meh. I have a lot to do. I don’t think I can work on this.


@KringlePrinkles do you know where your beepbox songs are? we should maybe look through those to find good songs for the game.

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go to the search box on the forums and search rohstedye


Hey, guys for the chapter selection I think it would look like the marvel mix and match select screen

or something similar (just without complete story to unlock)

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mabie we coud do something like that


It looks a bit wack but we could try prototyping it

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also these 2 characters are sopposed to be the sprites of the starter character and by choosing a character on the character select screen you just get that characters attacks but we could change it

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we haven’t gotten characters in yet… we will make the character select work once we have actual characters.

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Most of my beepbox songs that I made for FF are here.I used beepbox because its accessible to all of you.

I had bookmarked more beepbox songs that I was working on, but I stopped using it for some reason. I mainly use FL Studio 20 for my music, but I could use beepbox along with my DAW if it helps me. Anyway here’s the rest of 'em that I found:


beepbox12v2 seems to fit well for a settings page, idk.

your credits WIP sounds great :) i think this song can be left as is, unless you want to improve it. since it has a proper start and ending, it works better for scrolling credits than credits you can freely control.

however, one issue is that your songs are really long. audio files seem to butcher our file size. although i guess once it gets to an absurd size we barely even care at that point. so maybe it doesn’t really matter.

I think the one we have is alright. we can modify it, but I think we should have everything fit on 1 screen so that we don’t have to make it scrollable.

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Few things

  • that marvel mix chapter screen reminds me of how the chapters of angry birds original was put. I love it
  • the current selection screen is for maps for 2p so we can use the marvel style one for the chapters
  • the “complete story to unlock” can stay because baron gave me the idea to force the player to use different characters for different chapters so yeh
    Also, that mini wick project: still not done.
    (For whatever reason once the exams finished the school went back into full swing instantly)



can i join forum fighters?

well, what would you do?

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design fighters

errr the people who join Design there fighters like they design them themselves someone else doesn’t design em usually ._.