My new adventure game

@KringlePrinkles man…>u< thanks so much you helped me a lot >u<…i think i might take more time to understand the code anyway…(i will tried my best)>u<

cool >u< I didnt think even think to search the wick doc in wick forum>u<…thanks…hmm…ok I’ll took my pencil and wrote that down(in the link)

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what’s your primary language? just wondering

Oh ok I was just wondering

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how to use variable…i…i never use it…
is it give value to the clip or…what??hmm

so to use a variable you just do this.

variablename = whathever

you could search up a tutorial too :).

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player = 10


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yes you could do something like

playerSpeed = 10

that’s what a variable is for it stores data to use in other parts of the code,

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ok >u<…
thanks @Jordy

you welcome :)

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Well if you are going to use variables, i recommend that you reference the objects when setting variables using (object name).(insert variable name).

why it wouldn’t work with just the var (variable declaration) was because the variable is only accessible inside the script in the object.

Let’s say i want objectA to have a variable called emotion, I’ll just go into the clip’s script and type this.emotion //this refering to the object itself.

if other objects have variables, you can change and set their variables directly.
we often use project.(variable name) so that any object can access these variables.


You explained it better then I could :)

thanks @KringlePrinkles >u<
testing…8-26-2021_13-57-25.wick (1.7 KB)
i tried and it work >u<…man…you help me a lot …thanks guys


man…with all your guys help i finally solved this problem >u< yay… thanks so much
(i got problem uploading the file here…so i use drive)

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nice game, can i help with coding?

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sure… >u<
here are my latest progress
ok here what my plan for the game

  1. level1 - it just a tutorial for users to know that they could change themselves into other player (player 1 to player 2)
    ouh…player 1 can:
    but he cant go through the wall
    player 2 can
    control player 1(actually player 2 just turn itself into player 1 so it make user think player 2 is controlling player 1 )
    and he can go through the wall (except the ghost wall(the fade in and fade out wall animation))

2.and then the level 1 finish when they going into the portal
3.after that …go to level 2
and they saw reven who was trap…and player 2 go to reven and
the comic appeared on the screen (to tell user the situation)
but the evil ghost got the key and he ran away from them so they had to chase the evil ghost…T uT
man its to long…

who’s reven again. also whats the comic

here I hope you like it

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reven is one of the game character for level 2
and the comic tell situation the game was(for level 2)…i not making it right now…

can you send a pic of reven?