Save option

I,ll keep it simple i love this site but my only problem is that theres no way to have a save option. can that happen? it will make things easier

edit : sorry for not being specific, i meant like having a save option in a game with more then one level so that someone won’t have to play the game all over again.

was that more specific?

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What do you mean? The “Save” button is next to the “Open” and “Export” buttons…

I believe he means a built in way to save variable data.
Like if you were making a save file for a game.

I actually have an example project demonstrating the save feature.cookieClicker.wick (1.8 TB)
I’m not sure if this one is the right one though.

edit: yeah it isnt the right one sorry

This is a really broad question, but you might be talking about how you are playing a game, then you want to come back to it later and have it save data, like your username, level, points, etc. as far as i know, the only way is to make a save code where when you are done, you copy a save code and put it back in the next time. you would have to code how to read the save code though.

if you want to save a project, then just click “save” and it will spit out a .wick file.

Try be more specific with your question, but we’ll be happy to help you out!

You can use the localStorage object in JavaScript to do this. There’s some info on it here:


thank you!


I don’t know how to save my project, I press save, open file, and it just shows "how do you want to open this file?" and it shows apps that cannot show the project, is there a way to fix this? I really need some help here :disappointed_relieved: my only problem is that there’s no way to save my project. can you help?
I mean like what happens after you press the file?

press export and click the file format you want it to export to

Did you try opening wick editor, then dragging the file in Wick

Omg, thanks so much! that helped me ALOT now i can look at my projects afterwords!

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One more question… how can I share my projects?

use the xported version not the wick file

Depends on where you wanna share your project.

If you wanna share your project here on the forums, you can make a new post and upload it there using the upload button

Or you can drag your file inside the post while editing it.

If you wanna share it on other sites, you can export the project by clicking the export button (top right), click interactions, then choose a file format (zip or html).

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Thanks so much!

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when i choose export Html it gives me a file not a code. my site accepts codes not files.
Another issue : what if i want to share it with my student to play it on their desktop? i mean i want it as a exe or video but interactive
is there an advice?

I’m not sure about your first question, what type of code do you want?
To share it with your students, you would want to share the html file with them. The html file you got instead of a code is the interactive file which can be shared.

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