Some Animations

I’d like to show off some animations I’ve made.

I’ll start with this: My Project2-17-2023_11-05-06.wick (93.6 KB)

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Nice animation :clap:
It loops perfectly :ok_hand:

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Do you have any animations you could show. If not ,do you know anyone that does?

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even though u werent talking to me i’d thought i’d still put this here


@Desmond sorry for the late reply :sweat_smile:
I do have a few animations here and there, but most of them aren’t made in wick.

shield your eyes

This one was made with wick, it’s a bit old – it took me more time coding it than animating.
Don’t stare at it for too long and protect your eyes while you still can :eyes:

The best two animators I know on the forums are @KringlePrinkles & @Leslye_Beauchamp, you should check out their works for sure, these two are epic animators :fire:

You can also find some more great animators in this thread and under the #show-your-work:animation category :movie_camera: :popcorn: