Timeline broke when moving multiple FRAMES?

I just pasted multiple frames and then tried to move it, it then broke somehow? :eyes::man_dancing:
when this happened, i was moving my cursor in the timeline, and the frames i tried to move were doing this weird copypasting visual glitch thing, but thats about it. I saved the file then reloaded the app, and tried to repeat it, but it didnt do it again.

I screenshot this as soon as i saw it, but not sure what happened

Let me guess, every time you attempted to paste a group of frames, a whole new timeline would appear?

well no as soon as i saw it i just saved the file and reloaded the tab, then loaded the same file to try and do it again but nothing happened. okay i edited the first post to the best of my memory

I think I had a similar problem

Also, good thing that you saved b/c mine crashed

It also happened when I pasted frames, but your timeline seems to have blue and green glitching shapes… that’s odd


I think that might be the frames that i tried to move, they were doing the weird-stamping-glitch thing when i move my cursor

fun fact: the copy+paste thing probably happens because to refresh the display it needs to clear the entire area then draw what it needs to draw. the display is cleared by drawing a rectangle the same color as the background color that covers the entire area of the screen. but somehow what is considered the drawing origin has probably moved or something which moved where stuff gets cleared. um… i don’t really know how this would happen at alll, maybe it could be a browser bug or something because i don’t know how it would be that bad. i can’t think of how wick editor would get itself to that state, espesically the timeline duplicating

wick editor can be a bit buggy sometimes, i don’t know if they have any QA testers or if they depend on us to report bugs

that’s a little concerning

We depend on you! At the moment, we only have one full time developer (me!)

After seeing a number of different timeline issues recently I’ve been considering replacing the timeline entirely. Not sure exactly what the best strategy is for this, but I’ll be looking into it.

what does that mean? like bug finders?

what the heck

yeah i think they try to find bugs in the program

I had something smilar