Vage Fighting Collab (dead and closed)

i’m taking a break rn

That’s fine, you can always do that unless I need you

btw i’m making another collab

Well I am still on this collab

it’s an animation collab

oh btw here’s another collab i have: Collab

ok im back

I am fixing bugs, I’ll tell you when to edit

oh i was editing

BTW, do you want me to make your own island ? It will be in the buyable maps

i guess…

Ok, I’ll add it

btw i renamed fireworld to LavaLands

Ok just wait… I am making the world. The world costs 90 levels, you can tell me how much it should cost

Vage Fighting Preview11-22-2020_11-49-00.wick (148.9 KB)
Also for some reason When open the vagefightinggame file i gets renamed to Vage Fighting Preview

IK, but I was editing, and I CANT PUT THOSE changes into the finished.

also i found a bug:
if u hold the up arrow, you fly into the air

I don’t know how to fix that

VageFightingGame.wick Ok now you can edit on THIS FILE.

can i change the island?