Hi everyone,
Wick Editor 1.14 is live!
New Stuff
- Video export is here! Currently, projects can be exported as .mp4 files.
- The timeline has been given a visual update
- Major optimization for undo/redo, project playing, and drawing tools
- Fixed many brush bugs
- Added the Path Cursor tool
- Added horizontal and vertical flipping to the toolbar
- Added boolean operations to the toolbar
- Fancier play button, pan tool icon, and zoom tool icon
- You can now hold D to quickly switch to the eyedropper tool (this makes changing the colors of selected objects easier) (addition by kryptot7)
- Ctrl+G converts the selection into a new clip (addition by kryptot7)
- Ctrl+Shift+G breaks apart the current selection (addition by kryptot7)
- New Video Exporter!
- New Loading bars for gif and video exporter.
Bug Fixes
- Projects during preview play no longer look blurry
- Preview play starts and stops much more quickly now
- Fixed an issue where the timeline gets stuck after being resized
- Clips that are scaled no longer look blurry in preview play
- Fixed pasted frames appearing in the wrong positions
- Fixed timeline GUI being blurry
- Fixed timeline scrollbars not being clickable sometimes
- Fixed button hitboxes not using the shape of the paths inside the button
- Fixed hitTest
- Fixed zoom and pan not being usable on locked layers
- Fixed image assets not being rendered in Chrome
- The selection box can now be used with shift held down
- Fixed bring forward action (fix by kryptot7)
- Undo/redo no longer affects zoom and pan
Please post any feedback you have or problems you run into, and enjoy!!