[New Release] Wick Editor 1.19 - New Code Editor, Reference



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i think it means “inspect the javascript and this code worked in it”. no idea what “this” is.

what i think how consoles and scripts work:

the console is instantaneous code essentially, it runs immediately when typed. there are some syntax differences-- you can say 4 + 5 in a console and it’ll spit out 9. in a script, it has nowhere to go, so nothing happens. only if you say “console.log(4 + 5)”, it’ll appear in the console. my guess is that in the console, it assumes that something alone is for the console, so “4 + 5” is the same as “console.log(4 + 5)”. in a script, it doesn’t assume anything. it means nothing to the script, and it, therefore, goes nowhere.

so time_to_draw, 2+2 spitting out 4 only works in the console, not the script.

did that make sense to anyone?

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Try using “Noto Emoji”

That’s good to hear :D

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  • Wow, the colors of the numbers get a darker color :O

  • I feel like this is getting off-topic (not wick related) :rabbit:

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The Wick team is actually working on making the hitTest function in 1.19 better than ever :D

so what’s the difference between the old and new hittests?

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It would be really cool if they make a hitTest as
accurate as a mouse touching an object on a
mouse- hover event, but Wick will always be
great either ways :+1:

i mean, i thought hitTest was always pixel-perfect

huh… never mind.

We’re adding 3 new hit test types, and a bunch of extra information that you can use as well! (Should make things like the platformer engine A LOT easier to write :slight_smile:


3 different hitTest types? Wow, that gives us more choices to choose from!

Thank you Wick team for taking the time to make Wick better, and good luck with your next update

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Hey @Hamzah_Al_Ani @Jovanny @pumpkinhead and everyone else who’s a game maker on the forum! I’ve just updated the test branch with our new and improved object.hits() method. Would love you all to check out these new features and let us know what you think! @nick did the design and implementation for this!

Do we have a guide, or doc, or an example on how to use it?

It works if the objects are at the same level…

In this case I want player.yellow to collide with the wall
This code is under player Default


I need this so badly…

Here is the project:
My Project11-4-2020_10-48-18AM.wick (2.3 KB)

exciting news!!
you are doing a great job

Test example is this project: https://forum.wickeditor.com/uploads/short-url/kzA7JN6hPS1sMK85iYFoo4q2WXz.wick .

I’ll be updating the website with a reference item for it once we push this to live. @Jovanny, I’ll make sure that when this is live it will work with child objects!


Thank you!.. I’ll be putting the hits function under test after work… so I can tell you how better is in terms of performance.

Final performance updates aren’t quite done yet but I’d love a comparison (We’ll be adding something that should be significantly faster under the hood).

Got it… Thank you!