i think 1.19 is too buggy. we’ve always been using the normal editor so i think it’s safer to go with 1.18. (trio i think you meant 1.18)
also, Afrog is going to do some tasks to proof himself
Hey wheres my music?
i think kringle only included his music in his post. the giant post is a wiki, so you can edit that and add your soundtracks there too.
Character Movesets
Every character is probably going to have a block move that blocks/reduces the damage of certain attacks in the direction the player is facing. Other players can go through the player and attack them from behind while blocking. Players spawn with 100 health.
*draw a visualization of the move with a small picture (can be made in MSpaint)
**You guys (owners of their fighters) can change their Fighter Descriptions, I only added them as a kind of placeholder
– “a hackin’, slashing, and hacker fighter who hacks his opponents (technically and literally).”
simple slash/peashooter shot
idea: Switch Weapon (between gun and sword? 👀)
he throws his old weapon towards his enemy (item becomes a projectile, thought it only staggers for 1/4 a second and no damage) and switches to a Hacker Peashooter that shoots a slow projectile and does half the cutlass’ damage (it doesnt shoot 2 times faster cause that’ll be unfair). theres a 3 second cooldown to prevent constant staggering.
side special:
idea: Red Code Slash
baron charges up a bigger and painful red slash. 3 second charge-up (will just do normal attack damage if not fully charged up)
down special:
*can only spawn 3 platforms that are at least 50 pixels away from each other (except on top of each other, but only one can be on top)
up special:
– “A pumpkinhead. Has jack’o’lantern powers”
idk please help PLEASE HELP THIS CHARACTER SUCKS AS A FIGHTING CHARACTER WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO uhh he uses magical pumpkin powers - pumpkinhead
normal: (combo)
(-4 hp)
(-4 hp)
(-8 hp)
um, he breathes fire, cuz jack o’ lantern light comes from fire does that makes sense? it does -5 hp every 0.2 seconds, knockback from the fire should knock the victim out of the fire quickly. Pumpkinhead cannot move while breathing fire and he does it for 2 seconds and he has a 1-second cooldown so he can’t just trap someone on an edge (assuming we add ledge grabbing)
side special: he throws his foot like rayman . after his foot is thrown, it boomerangs back to him. but the foot can miss sometimes if the player purposefully makes the foot miss (like if the player jumps while the foot is about to touch). the foot is allowed to be free only for a limited time, then it has to connect back. When touched, his foot gives -10 hp to the victim.
down special:
idea: firecracker attack
up special:
– “uses fire. is fire. but not a fire creature, because he’s a spirit.”
(idea - shoots a fireball… classic)
side special:
down special:
up special:
Stickman 1130
– “that one guy who probably has electric powers or something because he reminds me of the Electric Man flash game”
idea: lightning strike
idea: Thunder Shock
Stickman1130 will create thunder which paralyses the enemy for 3 seconds
side special:
down special:
up special:
– “A floating JelloKitty on a plate! A destructive delicacy indeed.”
plate combo idea
their normal attack is a quick (yet feeble) 3-hit combo, with the third hit giving a 1 second cooldown until the combo starts again
side special:
down special:
up special:
– “A slow-moving hard hitting sentry with arms and cool robot.”
normal: For his normal, he gives a good ole’ one-two combo (with a 1.0s - 0.8s cool down for each punch) (~he also shoots a laser for smaller enemies, ~ actually, ignore the laser! thats for the down special but they should only get hit by either the punch or laser)
special: Grabs and hold player for 0 damage… for one second… Y I K E S!
The Player can move freely when one second is up (they’re free!), but if Bukzerik does an attack, the player gets staggered for 1/4 a second. (do suggest a different idea in place of this)
side special:
He rushes to the direction he’s moving and does 10 gun blasts (NOT PROJECTILES) that shoots in rapid succession, dealing a total of 2 damage, then if a player is caught IN FRONT of Bukzerik, punch the player for -8, pushing them back a distance.
down special:
up special:
(original post, i moved this here because this is the new official HQ)
Can I do something?
bottom text
yeah of course you can help us make the game
Y e s (one of my classmates typed that)
Yeah ok. I made music like a few days ago for FF.
[Crafter Flance - Forums and Fighters Track One]((https://drive.google.com/file/d/11buB_1-AjnHw5vBzhlRBNoyrH4uctdJt/view?usp=sharing)
Edit: lemme make a track 2
yeah i know that already. and also the melody of the song is fine i guess except the song isn’t because the entire song is just the same 4 measures over and over again, and when you try to add some variety the first time by adding another instrument, it’s off-beat and it gets boring after a short time because it’s the same note repeated. and then the rest of the song is just the same 4 measures over and over again except there’s a piano on one part…
(tl;dr it’s way too repetitive)
i guess this song could be fine in a place the players wouldn’t spend much time on, like… umm
Know what I will just use beepbox for the music
If you’re going to make a track, I think you should read the Music section of the master post. on what to make.
I think the track is okay, but it’s too edm-ish (in a way that it’s repetitive).
maybe experiment with the midi instruments (the synths) built into soundation and experiment with making original melodies…
…OR use ‘beepbox’! I really like it so far and its simple to use! it also makes it easier for collaboration!
people probably won’t stick around for long on the title screen. or a loading screen. or… settings (if we need it) if there are like 1 or 2 settings. that’s all i can think of on the spot.
you need to work on something for the game first before you are allowed to have a character
also i think 3 new characters would be too much
maybe one can be in the background?
Why rick astley?