Forum fighters Old HQ

Not bad actually

i would call our organization/domain the Rugs or something like that (yo do we tell them what that means or is it a secret) but not all of us are rugs. although now that i think about it i think most of us are.

Just don’t mention what rugs is, they’ll have to find out by themselves later


goodness we’re at over 1.8k replies

yeah we really need to know what the name of this thing is

Yeah but what’s the meaning of “Forumation?” How does that have anything to do with the actual game?

Well, this game was made on the wick forums… so…
Forum - ation
FORUM - ation
FOURUM - ation

(sorry caps)

I mean the meaning of the punned word, formation. What does that have to do with the game?


Forumation = Forum + Animation. This forum is about animation. seems relevant enough.(Hopefully, people get the actual joke.)

So forumination?

I still think forum fighters works


Let’s try to get a suggestion of names, this is a Wiki, so everyone, add in your name then the name that you suggest! I put Cleetus Kernel’s name here as an example and to start the list.

@Cleetus_Kernel: Forumation Battles
@mlgcoolguys_1: forum fighters
@anon15550918 Animator Battles.
@pumpkinhead: forum smackdown
@BSA_15: Forum game a fighting forum game a idk

on a side note
ill be (trying) to add achievements and once finished,will finnally animate my character and then move on to attacks

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so achievements!
there’s one for each character
side note: I will be taking a 2-day break from the fight to do other art-ing activities
so I trust @awc95014 @Hamzah_Al_Ani @pumpkinhead to keep the ball rolling !

  • trio

about 10 hours later…

forget 2 days I’m done
back to work!

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No. Forumation not Formination

I think the project’s name can’t be related to Wick or the forum. Is that right @moderators?

By tomorrow, I’ll see all of the names that I have in my wiki, and then I’ll build a poll for that.
Also, feel free to suggest more than one name (3 per person is max)

Also, thank you trio for making the achievements, I’ll take a look at that file rn

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wait a minute


something looks awfully familiar…:rofl:

still looks very darn cool tho

I think the colors look very similar… that might be the
only similarity, yet that makes them look very similar

Here’s the project 4 anyone interested >

hey @Hamzah_Al_Ani should we have voice acting or will that slow the game

idk, maybe in the game trailer, but I don’t think we should in the game