Forum Fighters: Rewritten (Discontinued)

bug fixes and improvement to the pathfinding thing
platformPathfinding.wick (11.4 KB)

bug fixes:

  • i figured out why it takes the longer path and fixed it
  • i also made the actual movement work better


  • it no longer thinks it can jump through blocks
  • if a part of a surface is blocked by another block, it gets cut off (this only applies to floors, not walls or ceilings, because it’s only important for floors)
  • it checks at more points where it would be able to jump

additional/newly discovered bugs:

  • because it no longer can jump through blocks, now it thinks it can’t walk off most blocks
  • since it doesn’t know it can stop moving when it jumps yet, it thinks it can’t go up staircases.

debug mode is off by default because the visualizations make it really laggy. if you want to turn it on, change the DEBUG variable in line 12 of the main code frame’s default script to true.

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Hey @pumpkinhead, I think I left Xout’s (unfined assets in the menu of FF (in the wick) maybe you could use them to try and start making our first new enemy?

rmmmmm… rather quiet here… you guys alright?
im still going to work on the story, how about you guys?
i totally understand if you guys are busy :)

I have family over rn, i could try to work more after that

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i’m feeling really demotivated for some reason, and I also have a summer class thingy. but before I do anything else, I have a few questions.

  • where will Xout be in the story? why do we have to make a unique AI, why not make the enemies use the same/a similar AI as the players?
  • will the story be real animation or will it be mostly dialogue (minimal animating and mostly characters talking, and the user can pause after each dialogue)? or a hybrid (animation, but there is also written dialogue that the user can pause at)?
  • how much progress have you made on the story?

I feel like hybrid would be a good option but just in case…

  • Hybrid
  • Speech-oriented
  • Cutscenes-only

0 voters

im back how is it going

hey may i see the file

Heyo sorry for the silence, I got owned by my ma (read, detoxing from devices) so I won’t be back and working snail’s pace until Monday or Sunday.

When it does become Monday or Sunday: I’ll be then working on TryoByte’s character design, then normal attacks, and finally I’d either create a winner screen (because it looks pretty stale) or add sfx (because… well… crickets and all). I kinda written it here to jog my memory.

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in case you plan to do this, or in case anyone wants to help with these, i have a list of SFX we should probably do:

  • button
    • hover over button
    • normal click button (normal menu changes)
      • when you do a “big” menu change (start a game, start story mode, etc) it could also be more echo-y
    • go-back click button (all the “back” buttons) (maybe, or we can just use the normal click button)
  • game
    • hits
      • 2-3 light hits
      • 2-3 normal hits
      • 2-3 hard hits
    • footsteps? (depends on surface and player)
    • jumping?
    • landing? (depends on surface and player) (maybe the same as the footsteps)
    • 3-2-1-go and finish
    • misc. SFX that are based on the attacks (sword/kick/punch woosh, laser pew, etc)
  • story mode
    • dialogue blips/bips/bops/beeps (like in undertale)
    • if it has animation, a bunch of other misc. stuff
  • and probably a bunch of other things…
  1. In most chapters, he is a simple and annoying entity
  2. I don’t really understand the logic of this. Unless you are implying that all enemies would funtion like a humanoid fighting character(which wouldn’t be the best idea),
    Wouldn’t it make sense to use different ai for different types of enemies with different skills then of the useable player characters?
    Using the example of Xout, he has extremely good vertical mobility with his constant jumps but is slower when having to move horizontally, due to the fact he doesnt have a walking move

Take this for an example:
You know super Mario bros right?
Imagine if all the enemies in that game acted like mario; jumping around, running back and forth. It wouldn’t create the same feeling as the normal goombas that just walk around.

Look at it this way
Using the Mario example again,
Comparing the moveset of Mario to let’s say… A hammer bro,
the hammer bro is able to jump around really fast, throw multiple hammers at mario, but never walks
Marion on the other hand, can kill enemies by jumping on them, he is able to crouch, and with a fireflower powerup, shoot fireballs

Now imagine a new senario ;
Let’s say we want to make a bot of Mario and recode the hammer bro
Once we are done coding our Mario, Should we recycle the code to make a hammer bro?
Maybe. But it’s a big big big maybe. Since the two have different skills and characteristics but have a few similarities (ie, their movement) so it could be possible to code it … But at that point you would effectively be just editing 90% of Mario’s code just to get a hammer bro,
When it’s possible to just try and make a new code for it, which would be simpler and faster, mainly due to the part that enemies tend to be simpler in nature then player bots.
So… Why?

only cutscenes will slow the game down and make the magic of cutscenes boring and only using dialogue would make the universe of the game stale with nothing to wow at

So I COMPLETELY agree with the idea to go hybrid, to get the best of both worlds, no argument here

Well, chapter 0 is basically half a page away from completion, so expect to see it done by tmr.
But. I have spent most of my free time at school writing Down story ideas about the first chapter, trying to contect the scenes to the universe,
You said you wanted a side scroller right?
And the first that came into my mind are trains…

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ok, i agree with your different-AI argument.

If you mean that the arena is in a side scroller with trains passing by, then sure, that sounds pretty good.

You will be on the train

On top

sigh… all quiet on the western front arent we

BrickStar’s Rating

Age Rating

This Game is Rated 7+

Why 7+

This game has Cartoon Violence And the ButtonCombs can be hard for a 3-year-old to Play

Quality Rating

This game is Reciving EX for excelentet !! this game has Officially The Highest Rating in the BrickStar Rating (Fear Rating Because The game is not done yet) Also the badge will change on the Full game release or on a Big Update

Why EX

This Game Has Already Great Visuals and The gamePlay is fun too!


-good things:
The game is not done yet and even now it is one of Wick’s most Impressive games I have ever seen in my Life It can even Compete with Games Outside of wick! The sounds are good too and the gameplay is fun!

-Not so good things:
Not so much the game isn’t finished yet I’m sure more content will be added so The only bad point is Gone

Infos about the Rating


I’ll voice this now so that I wouldn’t look dead:

I’ll just discuss character design ideas with TryoByte fir a while because I am pretty intimidated and stuck regarding how I could go about it.

So Tryobyte will be a little slower and heavier than Baron.

FFR TryoByte


hey yall, so i know that this collab is slowing down (by a lot). this reply has a few purposes.

  • to show that i’m alive
  • maybe to re-initiate progress on this game?
  • i now know why audio wouldn’t play in HTML until the user clicked something (like the start button that starts the intro) (i randomly found this on twitter lol)
    • the start button at the beginning of the game has to be pressed in order for the website to be allowed to output sound
      • browsers apparently require the user to input a gesture (click, key press, etc) in order for the website to make sound
    • when the start button at the beginning of the game isn’t there, we don’t hear the intro music because there was no gesture. if we make a gesture at any point, the audio will start to play.
    • this doesn’t happen in the editor because we click stuff in the editor before running the project, so the browser is happy to play the audio

this is the tweet i saw in the last bullet (it’s cut off to show only what you need to see).

Firefox autoplays audio even without gesture!
Also, i might try decorating map 2.
I’ll decorate it like a city, and the map name?

Urban Heat

I'll also add custom tab titles like "Main Menu," "Browsing the almanac," and "In a Quick Match."

also: cool sun i made

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FFR 1.4.26 (Arena 2 Decor)7-25-2021_15-21-28.wick (1.7 MB)
@KringlePrinkles @BaronAWC @mlgcoolguys_1


i sent you something on discord

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it’s good overall, but the trees feel really unnatural. you can move things around to make it better. (it doesn’t even have to be symmetrical. as long as the arena doesn’t give a noticeable advantage to a player just because of where they spawn, it’s fine.)

also… why does this collab have to be so secret ._. is it so secret that even i can’t see it?