Forum Fighters: Rewritten (Discontinued)

I think you guys should be named softworks and that’s all

I was just doing Jumbleton’s floor attack, but I had a thought: should we separate the fighter hitboxes and platformer hitboxes?

I asked because… erm… to do the sweeping animation, if I do it normally there’ll be alot of space on the collider if Jumble is going to duck mid-attack…


image and this would be one of my solutions to cover the platformer hitbox…

I might tinker with other things, though this comment of mine is just for consideration.

Things I’m going to do for this update to prevent myself from taking too long:

  • including basic sfx: all hit sfx, footsteps, jumping, landing, character specific moves.
  • include Jumbleton as a fighter

I do want to post the update after finishing all of Jumbleton’s normal attacks because I want to start animating all the fighters’ special attacks and experimenting with ideas like the one I mentioned earlier.

I won’t include the arena-specific music had i made any, because that’ll make the project’s size skyrocket. which is a little bad for convenience (and probably because of last time???).

another one of those ideas is replacing our dodge/reflect mechanic idea with something called a GIMMICK, a character specific ability that will aid them uniquely. The gimmick could be charging attacks, using the reflector (as TryoByte does), allowing more mobility, etc.

…also I fixed up the settings.

And this is what it looks like. Silly but i have compromises I’d rather make to make it seem less like a ‘bug’.
GIF 8-23-2021 5-34-43 PM


maybe it can also hit upwards?

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It is a little more of work, but at the end it should pay off. Specially for the scenario that you are describing with jumbleton. You don’t know in the future how many times you will find the same issue with a fighter, and you will have to come up with weird poses to solve it. (What you did in this case is clever)

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Isn’t that already in the code? i.e. the attack hitboxes can be offset by a specified amount from the platformer hitbox, and be a different size.

not the attack hitboxes, making hitboxes dedicated to specific fighters that will detect if it’s colliding with the attack hitboxes.

Something like this:

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So it’s just 3 hitbox classes

Nah this looks nice
Also, what does buzerik come from and look like

@KringlePrinkles @Watrmeln

Even though it may look fine, as Jovanny said, there will surely be many more cases where the default hitbox won’t work and there won’t be any clever ways to fill the hitbox.

So I’m basically taking a full 180-degree turn on my opinion on crouching. I originally didn’t like it because it would add complication to the code, but now it seems very important.

Still, it would be inconvenient later on.

although if you do like that anim....

The robot dude looks like this, if i remember correctly:

right now i'm just figuring out how to delay projectiles

So I finally finished jumbleton. and I have learned that projectiles wont work with the delay variable, which often gives this error.

project.playerAttack = function(player, attackName) {
        if (isProjectile) {
            projectileClip.hitbox = newHitbox; <-- this thing, apparently
            projectileClip.owner = player;
        } else {
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keep in mind… if hitbox is a subclip of projectileClip, you will need to wait an entire frame after you create the projectileClip so the engine can register the subclip… it is a common bug. Usually I declare an init var to make it work.


I kinda want him to look angry, and to make plasmioid last longer, can it be a projectile that explodes when contact with a player is made (it can only travel for about 2 secs and implodes if nothing is hit)

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it’s not because it’s a subclip or anything, it’s just that the projectileClip isn’t created when the attack starts and the delay is greater than 0, so it is null. i’m gonna fix this and rework the projectile system, i should be done by tomorrow.

I just figured out how to make it work today (at least kind of)… How are you going to rework it? :eyes:

about the rework, right now most of the work is done inside the projectile clip. that’s kinda a problem because if there is a delay then the projectile clip should not be created until later. so i’m gonna make the projectiles update in player update instead of the projectile clip, just like how normal attacks are. this also means that after the reworking, there isn’t gonna be a global projectiles array anymore, just projectiles in the attackHitboxes array.

also i’m gonna make it so you can write custom functions that define how a specific type of projectile behaves. so we won’t have to make new properties for every way that the projectile could behave. e.g. if it bounces off walls, if it disappears if it touches something, if it orbits the player, if it’s a homing missile, if it explodes on contact, e.t.c.

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Nevermind I solved it...

I overshot using the .parentClip object, which referenced the project instead. oops.

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Ok I don’t think I can finish it by today. Because of school. But it should be finished by the end of Saturday at most.

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hey guys, i changed the projectile system, hopefully there are no bugs.
it’s kinda late cuz i had to play with my friends they depend on me to have balanced teams

forumfight-collab.wick (1.4 MB)
i’m pretty sure some others are holding onto a version which we don’t have access to because they’re not sharing it. so i guess just merge the files. use a code merge tool (like this one I found) to merge the changes i made in the main script in the functions layer. and also replace the projectileBase clip with mines.

i don’t think “person” is the best word for that, because he’s not a human. although if i were to write a dumb animal character like pkhead, referring to any other individual, i would probably make them say “person”. because uh… in the, uh… pumpkinhead cinematic universe… either they speak english, and since humans no longer exist, they changed the word to mean any individual. or they speak an entirely different language and the word they use just translates to “person”. (i think the speak english part is more easier i’m just gonna use that)

so basically you should replace the word with another word or phrase that doesn’t heavily imply pkhead is human.

what’s a human-prism
i don’t remember hearing anything about tryobyte being a human prism

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