Forum Fighters (not-as-old post, but still outdated)

Aye! we gateem :man_dancing::man_dancing::man_dancing:

rip the old thread. that had like 2k replies right?

well we can celebrate the birth of a clean thread with all the stuff and assets we need in the beginning of this topic


the old thread is not gonna… well… get nuked, would it?

probs not
but its also no longer stable place

Hey so regarding this @pumpkinhead:

Do we help out in making the move set for the characters or should each creator make their own moves, cause if i finish all the music tasks im unsure what else to do after that point.

oh for move sets they HAVE TO MAKE IT ON THEIR OWN
but on the other hand the animation hit box and coding can be made by others
@KringlePrinkles you might want to start designing YOUr character’s moveset and disign

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awerite capt’n

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So the sum of all attacks (both special and basic combined)?

only special

Yes, anyone can help create the moveset for everyone else’s characters.

Since we’re starting fresh now with a new thread, let’s re-list the people in this collab

Inactive people who were a part of the old thread should make a reply to this one to let us know they’re still a part of this project

Otherwise, we can wait a month before removing anyone

Anyone who made progress can’t be removed from the credits

I might start working on an arena next week to honor removed oc’s
(not including Mojad’s character as a respect to his wishes)

list of members (? = idk if they're gonna be removed)

with character

  • awc95014
  • Hamzah_Al_Ani
  • pumpkinhead
  • mlgcoolguys_1
  • Fat_Clouds
  • time_to_draw
  • butt?
  • PewPewTrooper112?
  • PineappleCow?
  • Cleetus_Kernel

without character

  • Jovanny

question, how come both right/left specials aren’t considered as one side special, and are there down attacks/specials?

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that’s a good point, the right attack and left attack should be the same. we can do front and back attacks though

no idea about downward attacks. we’ll see what happens. maybe we need to save space, maybe we find a better way to not lag the game a ton so we can afford to add more details.

I see. i actually manage to make a character yesterday, im just making the attacks rn

A cool guy wanna-be sentry Awesome Cool Guy Robot who just stuck a pair of heavy robot arms and a fake head named KoolBro25 (his actual name is S-3G#25). I’m making him a slower-than-normal heavy hitter


Added “KoolBro25”, the Robot, to the Character Moveset Section

Meanwhile added some visual flare for the members section

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More things
Start to make an online wick draft of your character (with run,jump,(maybe)duck animations if you have time(optional))
Can you do me a favor and hunt done the files of maps and work with @BaronAWC And @pumpkinhead to make the platforms

I will try to make spaces where the space can go,
Decorate the win screens and add kringle to credits

are we using the test version of WickEditor or the current version?

Well we are using 1.8 but we could use the new version (I think)