Platformer Engine 2.0.0 - Checkpoint/Finish Flags and Springs

If you are to use this or any of the platformer engines before and (maybe) to come, you must give credit to me for the engine with at least one of the names that I go by - Baron and/or AWC95014. Linking to the forum post or my profile is appreciated.

Continue reading when you agree (very big tone change warning lmao)

That took long enough :P You thought this day would never come because I took so long on this. It’s pretty good in my opinion.

I’m very sad to say that the collision isn’t perfect still, after all this. It’s a slip-up that you might never encounter ever again, but it’s bugging me a lot. In the demo, walk off-screen (full speed) at the 2 blocks, and observe. It stops the player mid-air for one frame. Yes, that is what’s bugging me. One frame is all it takes.

With that, here is the file. Imperfect, but I personally think this is one of my most successful games. Game? No, more like a… simula- no um… Come to think of it this is the first of its kind I’ve done really. Let’s just leave it as my most successful Wick-coded project.

platformer engine 2.0.09-4-2020_2-53-28PM.wick (20.0 KB)

Revon here I come lol


Wow, it’s really better than I expected. The collision is as perfect as possible!
Never seen more perfect platforms and game objects like this in wick before,


I’m excited to see what you all make… assuming you make stuff.

I really hope this becomes useful to at least one person. That would make me happy.


Good Stuff! You added the moving platforms!!!


Wait what no I didn’t… I think you’re talking about Revon’s :P


Got it… I just entered to the first thing that I saw and… my bad.


Ohhh wow!!! I loved it… I could complete the demo level that you have in there… Everything worked as described.


I wanted to test it… and it is very impressive… everything works perfectly!!!

Here is the file, have fun!
Mario_Barons_PE_2.0.09-6-2020_1-22-03AM.wick (2.8 MB)

Also, could you verify the engine? There is an ice movement when you move the player to the right and then stop… That doesn’t happen when you move the player to the left.


Mario_Barons_PE_2.0.09-6-2020_9-21-24AM.wick (2.8 MB)
Thanks! :P Line 40 had an issue. I think I fixed it. Both sides should have a bit of ice movement/skid. If you don’t like it, increase the deceleration.


Mario doesn’t crouch and look as expected, but the game looks gorgeous :smiley:

You’re making my day and it barely started


I think that these project and similar projects have so much potential that people should not ignore them. I had so much fun last night playing with your engine. Everything is implemented in a simple way, easy to understand and easy to add more content. Excellent job.


I fixed the upload, I guess I put a :stuck_out_tongue: emoji inside the upload and I never noticed. It should work now.

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Ok, I put a simple spring animation in the question blocks… it adds ti the player that feedback… it seems nice.

I think that we could collab a little with this engine… I have some ideas that we could discuss later, maybe trough inbox. @awc95014, I could’nt find a way to how to start a private forum/conversation to start collab small pieces…

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I asked the Discord. Hopefully, we can get an answer tomorrow.

Great, thanks. Ill be experimenting with adding a camera system tonight. I think that i can have something functional by tomorrow night.

I have some kind of vcam going. make sure the player’s name is “player” or it won’t work. I think that’s enough details…

@BaronAWC, Hi Baron, please send me a message to my g m a i l

We will be posting major releases as always, but not collab pieces… I think that there is nothing wrong about that.

What do we plan to do a collab about? It seems it has to do with this platformer engine.