Wicky Adventures 1.2 Now in Development

I see… it is working… great achievement @Hamzah_Al_Ani. :thinking: I’ll be doing some experiments to see how to use this the best way possible. I will go back to you when a figure a good pattern.


Ok… Here we go… 1st thank you, because of you I could make this important function… Which will be useful for performance…

I made an API of one function with what I needed. It is easy to use, and everyone can use it…
Here it is:

MoveClipAPI.wick (4.1 KB)

@Hamzah_Al_Ani, your name will be on the credits… and you will have beta access for testing. : )


what does childIndex do? They’re all 0’s for the 3 clones you made in that sample project.

(this is gonna actually help a ton with FFR)

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I’m glad that this works :D
The function you created makes it really ez to use

Wick places the objects in every frame in their own array.
The “childIndex” is the array number of the specific object you want to clone

Ex: If you have two objects in a frame, then the child index Jovanny has in his function would refer to one object if it’s set to 0, and refer to the other if it’s set to 1 (that’s why they’re all set to zero’s in the example).


so if 2 clips are in 1 frame and clip1 is on top of clip2, childIndex 0 refers to clip1 and childIndex 1 refers to clip2 (or vice versa, but that’s the main idea), right?



This is how pumpkinhead made the layers code
(by changing the array number of objects)

Yes, clips in the back are 0, and going forward, their index increases


I didn’t know that what you made was possible until you posted it… I just exported an empty wick zip file and I started looking at the wickengine.js file.

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when are you going to post the next update @Jovanny?

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Working hard on it… I’m also doing tutorials,and other stufff… I would say April. I’m doing more than an update, its a complete remake.

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Flashy Adventures Tech demo preview: (To be released at some point in April)

Screen Shot 2021-03-20 at 8.30.03 PM


Direkt me the link on the top to the newsest Version?

I’ll be releasing the re-make this month… stay tuned. :cowboy_hat_face:


I’ll be releasing the Flashy Adventures Tech demo later today, stay tuned. :cowboy_hat_face:
(Still working on it… too much work)


oh i can’t wait to see it!

can you send an html file to me

Here is the wick file:

Are you using Chrome?