Working multiplayer test

I’ve made a multiplayer test. The server code is handled at It’s a platformer kinda thing and you can see other people running around. And um… I don’t really know what else to say.

networking-test.html (2.1 MB)

Oh, and also I forgot to mention since shuts down repls if they’ve been inactive for a while, the server may not be running. I think other people can start the server though.’s supposed to wake up the server if there’s a request so if it says you could not connect, try it again after a few seconds.

Oh, and also I forgot to mention about this site: This is what I read to learn about how to make multiplayer games

UPDATE 1/15/2021
I added the ability to stand on other players which is cool. I also added text showing the status of the connection. And that’s basically it… Oh and here’s the code for the client networking clip. I don’t want to give the actual .wick file because it would then be very easy to hack. Even though you can get the actual Wick file from the contents of the HTML page.

Default script
if (!this.isClone) {
////////////////// = {};
network.players = {};
network.myId = null;
network.socket = new WebSocket("wss://"); //server domain
network.connected = false;
network.playerClip = this;
network.statusClip = connectionStatus;
connectionStatus.status = "Connecting...";

network.sendToSocket = function(data) {

network.socket.onopen = function() {
    console.log("Websocket opened");

network.socket.onerror = function(err) {
    console.error("Error opening socket", err);
    network.statusClip.setText("Could not connect, please try again");

network.socket.onclose = function(ev) {
    network.statusClip.setText("Connection closed because: " + ev.reason);

network.socket.onmessage = function(msg) {
    var dat = JSON.parse(;
    if (dat.type === "init") { //get information from server
        console.log("Got init");
        network.connected = true;
        network.myId =; //get id
        //create clips of players already in server
        for (let playerDat of dat.players) {
            let clip = network.playerClip.clone();
            clip.x = playerDat.x;
            clip.y = playerDat.y;
            network.players[] = clip;
    if (!network.connected) return;
    if (dat.type === "positions") { //new positions for every player
        for (let playerDat of dat.positions) {
            if ( === network.myId) continue; //don't update self
            //write clip tweening data for entity interpolation
            let clip = network.players[];
            clip.targetX = playerDat.x;
            clip.targetY = playerDat.y;
            clip.startX = clip.x;
            clip.startY = clip.y;
            var dx = clip.targetX - clip.x;
            var dy = clip.targetY - clip.y;
            var dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
            clip.targetReachTime = dat.dt;
            clip.targetTime =;
            clip.targetAlpha = 0;
    if (dat.type === "player_connected") {
        //add new player clip
        if ( !== network.myId) {
            let clip = network.playerClip.clone();
            clip.x = 0;
            clip.y = 0;
            network.players[] = clip;
            console.log("Player connected");
    if (dat.type === "player_disconnected") {
        //remove player clip
        delete network.players[];

var frameCount = 0;

onEvent('update', function () {
    //Every 15 frames, send player position data to server
    if (network.socket.readyState === 1 && frameCount % 2 === 0) {
            type: "position",
            x: mainPlayer.x,
            y: mainPlayer.y

} else {

new pkplat.MovingPlatformController(this);

this.targetX = 0; //self-explanatory...
this.targetY = 0;
this.startX = 0;
this.startY = 0;
this.targetReachTime = 0; //the amnt of time it should take to reach target
this.targetTime = 0; //when the interpolation started
this.targetAlpha = 0; //used for the this.lerp function

//linear interpolation function, gets a value between min and max
//based off of a (for alpha) which is a value between 0 and 1
this.lerp = function(min, max, a) {
    if (a > 1) return max;
    if (a < 0) return min;
    return (max - min) * a + min;

this.lastTime =;
Update script
if (this.isClone) {

//get time since last update
var nowTime =;
var dt = (nowTime - this.lastTime) / 1000;
this.lastTime = nowTime;

//linear interpolation of position
this.targetAlpha += dt / this.targetReachTime;
var x = this.lerp(this.startX, this.targetX, this.targetAlpha);
var y = this.lerp(this.startY, this.targetY, this.targetAlpha);
this.controller.goTo(x, y); //so physics work


The code is fairly trivial. I will not give code for anything else because they’re only like 10 lines of code and are incredibly simple. I used my pkplat engine for this so yeah. Which is kinda why i made that engine in the first place, because I was going to make a networking test.


Are you playing right now? I’m with someone… Its fun. It is limited to 2 players?

1 Like

yes i was waiting if someone would run the project, and no it is not limited to 2 players. actually theoretically there is no limit to how many players there are well now it is limited, to 5 players


I opened a second tab and there are 3 of us right now… 2 mes and you…


wow… congratulations… It is a good achievement. well done. It is impressive @pumpkinhead


This is really cool you could probably add online multiplayer to your platformer engine!

i dont understand nothing happened

Open the html file in a new tab and switch to the first tab and press tthe right key and then you switch to the other tab!

where’s the wick file?

However, the code is given:

1 Like

it still works on 1.19.3 who wants to join and we will skedule a time

also @pumpkinhead you should work on the game more and add a goal to get to and a leaderboard or make it a fighting game

great work there!!!
I noticed a little lag but for many application is a great solution!

can you get on @blurredPixels ?

im on the game

I’m in but you can open 2 different browsers and simulate 2 or more players


did you leave?


@pumpkinhead Can you upload the repl it code?

Or anybody else